The Erotic Vein: the male pen

Fascinating article on writing erotica from the perspective of male authors of the genre.

Emmanuelle de Maupassant

Several months ago, I put out a call to writers (of both genders) asking them to ‘share their secrets’. Well over a hundred responded, including around forty men (some wishing to remain anonymous). My thanks are extended to all who have given their time generously, and who have written so honestly.

I’ll be posting the results of this ‘grand survey’ over coming weeks, launching with thoughts from male writers. The issues touched upon here deserve further discussion; we hope that they inspire writers and readers alike.

As ever, your comments are welcome.

Arousing Intellect and Flesh

Most readers currently associate the erotic genre with ‘steamy romance’ and, often falsely, assume it to be the province of women writers alone. In fact, several of the respondents to this survey are successful male writers of what is usually classed as ‘women’s spicy fiction’.

Meanwhile, there is a whole strata of erotic fiction…

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2 thoughts on “The Erotic Vein: the male pen

  1. I agree, the post was fascinating — and Emmanuelle gets my praise for doing such a great job of putting the survey responses together.

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