Watch This Space–Interview With Fionna Guillaume

Erotic romance author Fionna Guillaume, member of the Alliance of Self Published Authors, was kind enough to answer my interview questionnaire, Pandora’s Dirty Dozen.  Get to know Fionna Guillaume.

1. Describe your books and your writing style.

 I absolutely love books. All sorts of genres appeal to me, and I feel like my writing reflects my varied reading appetite. My work is all erotic, for sure, but the priority is the story. Rich description and long, curling paragraphs often find a place in my writing, inspired by masters of long ago. Mostly, though, I just want to tell a great story – with plenty of sexy parts!

2. Talk about your process. Where do you write? When do you write? Are you linear or do you write scenes and put them together later? Who are your muses and where do you get your best ideas?

 I write on my laptop. Usually after work, with a mug of tea or a glass of wine, depending on my mood. With my husband playing a video game on his computer in the same room. Not particularly charming, but there it is! I’m a linear writer, I suppose; I start at the beginning, and keep writing until I get to the end. Then, I stop. 🙂 (And edit, but that’s another story.) This means the story may change and develop differently than I originally imagined in my daydreams. But that’s the fun of it!

3. Tell us about your latest release.

 I just completed a new novella called Tokyo: A Job With A View. It’s erotica, naturally, but written in the style of a travelogue. Inspired by the year and a half I lived in Japan, it reveals some of Tokyo’s charming attractions and cultural tidbits. It was such fun to relive my experiences there! And, you know, add in all sorts of fun, sexy bits. This is intended to be the first in A Job With A View series. (Next up: Paris!)

4. What is your current project?

I’m working on something a little different these days. It’s an idea I’d been mulling over for years, and finally felt ready to tackle. Using my deck of handmade Tarot cards, I am working through the Major Arcana (a set of 22 cards), and using them as a guide to write my story. The cards give me a theme, a mood, or a direction for each chapter, and I never know in advance quite what will come next. It’s an interesting challenge – and fun! Plus, I’m starting to really get into this story. For this on, I’ve decided to release each chapter on Wattpad as I go along, since every card builds on the previous one. Of course, I’ve had to edit the really fun bits out – Wattpad poo-poo’s erotica for fun’s sake – but never fear! They’l reappear in the final, published eBook version.

5. Now about you… Very generally speaking, where do you call home?

 I am fortunate to live in the beautiful Pacific Northwest. Seattle, Washington, to be exact. I find the rainy weather and cloudy skies, plus the extravagant natural beauty of the region, a perfect combination for indoorsy writing and outdoorsy inspiration.

6. As a reader… What genre do you most often read? What is your all-time favorite book, and why?

 I can never answer this question! My book diet is very diverse. You can catch me reading memoir, Classics, fantasy or SciFi, nonfiction, historical fiction, YA, romance, contemporary literary fiction… well, pretty much everything except the Encyclopedia. And probably I’ve read some of that, too. Basically, I have no favorite book. But some books linger on my shelf forever, begging to be read again. Jitterbug Perfume, by Tom Robbins, is one of these. It’s sexy, thoughtful, smart, unique, and hilarious – everything I look for in a book.

7. What do you like to do when you’re not writing or reading?

Depends on the weather! Maybe out in the garden, walking or hiking, or enjoying time with friends. I’m never without a book, though. My goodness, what would I do with my time if I wasn’t reading and writing?

8. We all have guilty pleasures. I enjoy boy bands. There, I said it. What is your guilty pleasure?

 Hehehee – I’m limited by keeping this one PC! Gummy candy, that’s a pretty guilty pleasure of mine. I can demolish a bag of gummies in one sitting, and only feel moderately guilty about it.

9. What superpower would you choose, and why?

Time travel, for sure. I would love being able to hop back and forth through time, visit historical places, chat with the movers and shakers of their time, and then zip on home to settle on the couch with a movie and a mug of tea.

10. If you could live anywhere, you’d choose…

Well, I kind of have chosen – Seattle! I’ve had the good fortune to live all around the world, and I came right back home. Guess I must love it here!

11. I wish _________________ would read my book.

Tamora Pierce. I loved her as a young reader, and she sticks in my mind as a masterful author. Her stories are thrilling and empowering, especially for girls. Wonder if she’d like girl-power erotica, too?

12. In the airport, you overhear a heated argument between a husband and wife. You:

A. politely ignore it.

B. stop what you’re doing and watch with rapt attention.

C. mention it to airport personnel.

D. tuck it away for use in a future book.

*E. Other : 

probably laugh about it to myself. Yeah, I can be that way.


The latest release from Fionna Guillaume is Tokyo: A Job With A View.  Check out the blurb for this sexy book.

After a brief but torrid affair with her boss, Cassidy finds herself out of a job. And unlikely to find another one in the entire state of California. With $300 in her bank account and nowhere else to turn, she eagerly accepts an interview with a mysterious company named A Job With A View. Soon she learns that this company specializes in short-term contracts abroad, for administrative assistants willing to accept other duties as well. Duties of the sexual kind.

Cassidy accepts – not like she has much choice – and finds herself in Tokyo, Japan. There, she discovers the beauty of a city both ancient and modern, futuristic and traditional. Through it all she begins to understand the gift that has been offered to her… and how she can pay it back.

With all the spice of contemporary erotica and the rich description of travelogue. Tokyo: A Job With A View is a sexy trip to Japan’s inimitable capital.

You can get Tokyo: A Job With A View at Amazon.