Weekend Excerpt–Luke & Bella

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LUKE & BELLA is Dream Dominant Book 1.  It’s the story that started it all, the very first book I ever published.

Television journalist Bella Grant is offered the job of a lifetime–touring exciting cities and finding adventure as she creates a brand new television travel show.  She’s been teamed up with veteran photographer Luke McGillicutty who’s been lured out of early retirement with the promise of having free reign to create the show he wants.  With Bella’s collaboration, of course.

Traveling to exotic locales, staying in 5-star hotels, is it any wonder they fall in love?  But it all happened so fast.  Luke hasn’t been completely honest with Bella.  If he tells her the truth now, he could lose her forever.  Can he risk everything on the chance that they could have it all?

Here’s a little teaser from LUKE & BELLA.

Luke ordered a light dinner of tapas delivered to the suite along with a bottle of local wine.  Bella wore a fluffy white bathrobe.  He’d put on faded jeans and a grey t-shirt.  She smiled lazily at him across the table, a woman sated.  He poured them both some wine and they nibbled on the baked feta and tomatoes, olives, and fresh fruits and breads.

Bella sighed and said, “I was thinking…”

“Uh-oh,” Luke laughed.

She gave him a wry smile.  “Seriously!  I was thinking about that really nice evening you planned for us in Edinburgh.”

“Yeah, you liked that, did you?” he asked, grinning.

“Um, yeah!  Wine, music, flowers, an amazing dinner, mind-blowing sex…what’s not to like?” she said.  “But, I was thinking that I should plan an evening.  You know, it’s my turn.”

“No, I don’t think that’s necessary,” he replied slowly.

“Not necessary?” she laughed.  “I’m not saying I feel obligated, just that I’d like to return the favor, so to speak.”

Luke waited a moment, considering his response.  The timing’s a little sooner than you planned, Cowboy, he thought.  Play it safe or risk losing her?  Decision made, he took the risk.  “The thing is, I’m not a fan of surprises.  I’m something of a…dominant…kind of guy.  I like making the plans,” he said evenly.

Bella looked at him, brow furrowed.  “You’re a ‘dominant kind of guy’?  As in, Dominant/submissive ‘dominant’?” she laughed lightly.

“Well, yes,” he said, looking at her directly.

Bella blinked.  “You’re kidding, right?” she asked incredulously.

Luke shook his head.  “No, not kidding.”

Her eyes went wide and her mouth hung open slightly.  “I don’t understand.  What does that mean that you do?”

He shrugged.  “Whatever makes me and my partner happy.  Blindfolds, restraints, spanking, safe words.  When we play a scene, she is mine, completely surrendered to me.  And I protect and care for her.”

When she didn’t reply, he continued, “It’s not a big deal.  I like to be in charge when it comes to romance, to sex.  I like to be the protector, to take care of my woman.  And,” he added softly, “if it doesn’t blow your mind too much, I think you are the perfect submissive.”

She shook her head slowly, eyes wide with disbelief.  “You are SO barking up the wrong tree.  I am anything but submissive.  I need to be in control.”

“I’ve noticed,” he said quietly.  “But you’re not good at it.  I said before that you try to control things by putting them into neat little categories, boxes.  When that doesn’t work, you shut down.  Imagine not having to control.  Not having to think or worry.  Just letting go and allowing someone else to be in control for a while.”

“I don’t even know what you’re talking about,” Bella whispered.  “You have lost your mind!”

“I understand your reservations.  Between your father and your ex, you’ve never had a man in your life that you could completely trust,” he said gently.

Bella felt as though she’d been gut-punched.  His words rang in her ears and she knew they were true.

“I am that man, Bella.  Do you trust me?  You can completely let go.  It will be the most freeing experience of your life,” he stated with quiet confidence, looking at her steadily, hoping to reassure her.

She shook her head again.  “I’m falling in…” it came out as a sob, “and now I realize I don’t even know you!”

She abruptly left the table and went into the bedroom, emerging a few minutes later completely dressed in jeans and a white tank top.  On her face was the hard, closed expression he’d seen that night in Amsterdam.  “I’m going out for a while,” she told him firmly.

“Bella, I wish you wouldn’t go alone.  It could be dangerous,” he worried.

She waved him off and walked out the door, closing it behind her.

“Shit!” Luke exhaled deeply, and he ran his fingers through his hair, wondering if he’d made a mistake, if he’d lost her.

Luke & Bella new cover 2

LUKE & BELLA  is available in digital and paperback
at your favorite online bookseller.


Weekend Excerpt–A Dream Job…


I always consider LUKE & BELLA a sentimental favorite.  It’s the first book I published, and it holds a special place in my heart.  The story grew out of considering this question: What would be the coolest job in the world?

My answer was, being paid to travel all over the world.  Since that’s not likely to happen, I created characters who are hired to jet around the world creating a new television travel program.

Luke is a world-weary photographer who’s given up on the world of television news, retiring to Florida to soothe his jaded wounds with copious amounts of alcohol and the occasional anonymous hook-up.

Bella is an enthusiastic, take-charge television journalist who’s ready to try her hand at something new.  Traveling to exotic cities, staying in world-class hotels, is it any wonder they give in to their mutual attraction?

But Luke hasn’t been completely straight with Bella.  Is he in too deep to tell her the truth now?

Here’s a little snippet from LUKE & BELLA.

“So is work done, then?  Let me give you the best table in the house and the serious drinking can commence,” said Nevin, grinning gleefully.  He led them to a high top table next to the back wall with a view of the entire pub.  Luke and Bella sat across from each other while Nevin disappeared.

“That was good,” Luke said.

She smiled at him.  “I think it went well, too.”

Nevin returned with a new bottle of Three Labels and three glasses.  He proceeded to pour them each a shot.  They all lifted their glasses and Nevin toasted, “To friends!”  They all tossed back the Scotch.

Bella coughed a little and the men laughed.

“That’ll put hair on your chest,” Nevin grinned.

Luke’s eyes immediately went to her cleavage which was fully on display in the deeply v-cut black sweater.  “Careful, Cowboy,” Luke whispered to himself.  Bella glanced at him, unsure she’d heard him clearly.

“Well, friends, I need to take care of my customers.  I’ll stop by later to see how you’re doing.”  They watched him move away greeting people like long lost family.

“He’s quite the force of nature, isn’t he?” Bella commented.

“Yeah, he’s good people,” Luke replied.  He poured himself a second shot and offered one to Bella, not expecting her to take it and surprised when she did.  He tossed his back and watched her do the same, without coughing this time.

“You didn’t tell me you’d worked here before.  I’m wondering why,” Bella said, looking at him intensely.

“It’s not a very good memory, actually.  Not one I like to discuss,” he replied, pouring for himself again. She still had him fixed with that fierce gaze and he realized she wasn’t going to let the matter drop.

Luke sighed.  “What do you want me to say, Bella?  I’ve seen a lot of shit in my time.  The explosion here?  It was bad.  Took them three days to put out the fire.  Debris was scattered for two miles in every direction.  They found charred body parts…” he trailed off.

“You still have nightmares.”  It was not a question.

He set his mouth in a grim line, finished with the topic.

“Well, we’re interviewing a survivor of that fire tomorrow at 10:30,” she countered, and poured herself another shot.

“That’s our appointment tomorrow?” he asked.

Bella nodded.  “Are you going to be alright with that?”

Whiskey glass tumbler standing on bar counter

“Sure, no worries,” he replied, draining his shot.  She tossed back hers as well, looking him straight in the eye.  He watched her but didn’t say anything.  She had to be feeling that Scotch by now.

He poured again for himself and she pointed to her glass.   Somebody has a competitive streak, he thought.  He poured for her as well, but questioned the wisdom of doing so.

A server approached their table balancing a small tray carrying a single glass of white wine.  “This is for the lady from the gentleman at the bar,” she said.  Luke looked toward the bar and saw a short young man standing at the bar staring at Bella.

“Tell the gentleman the lady says No, thank you,” Luke growled, surprising Bella.

“Oy, pal, Nevin says the lady isn’t with anybody,” called the man at the bar.

“Clearly, she’s with me,” Luke countered, and started to get up.  Nevin rushed in to diffuse the situation, offering a free drink to the man at the bar and shooting an amused glance at Luke.

Draining her fourth shot, Bella commented, loudly, “Clearly, McDude isn’t paying attention.  We’re drinking Scotch over here.”  She dissolved into giggles.

“Alright, Princess.  Let’s get you back to the hotel,” said Luke, protectively.  He helped her to her feet and they moved toward the bar.  “See you tomorrow, Nevin.  Around 2:00?” Luke said.

“2:00 it is,” Nevin replied.  Bella waved goodbye and turned unsteadily toward the door.  Nevin winked at Luke and turned back to his customers.

Luke & Bella new cover 1

Get your copy of LUKE & BELLA here: books2read.com/LukeAndBella

Weekend Excerpt–Luke & Bella

What’s the coolest job you can imagine?

Luke McGillicutty and Bella Grant were hired to jet all over the world and create a new television travel program.  With a virtually unlimited budget and free reign to find the stories in the cities they’re assigned to visit, it was the job of a lifetime.

Visiting places like Edinburgh, Amsterdam, and Mykonos, staying in luxurious 5-star hotels, is it any wonder the veteran photographer and career journalist fall in love?

In this scene, Bella has had to travel back home to Birmingham to attend the funeral of her estranged father.  Unable to accompany her, Luke has agreed to finish up where they were, and to meet her at the next destination.  As it turns out, she’ll have a story to tell him when she gets there.

As Tre and Cornelia moved through the crowd, they were greeted with heartfelt wishes of condolence.  Bella and T-Nathan stayed on the outskirts of the crowd and made their way to the backyard, where the main gathering was meant to be.  The sky was bright blue and crystal clear, the temperature perfect for being outdoors.  Bella took a glass of wine from a passing server and sipped slowly.

“Well, kiddo, we’ve almost made it,” she said, winking at T-Nathan.  “When do you go back to school?”

He smiled at her.  “Next week,” he answered.  He seemed like he wanted to say more, so she waited, using her best interviewer arched eyebrow to encourage him.  “Hey Aunt Sissy, can I talk to you about something?”

“Of course,” she said, smiling warmly.  “What’s your old aunt for anyway?  What’s up?”

“Well, you know how I’ve been studying pre-law?  I’ve been thinking about changing my major.”

“Oh?” she asked, then waited.

“Yeah, um,” he said, blushing, “I’m thinking about journalism.  I want to do what you do.”  He looked at her directly.  “So what do you think?”

She thought, Your mother’s going to have a cow, but she answered, “Are you sure that’s what you want to do, travel and interview and that kind of thing?”  He nodded eagerly.

“Well, since you asked what I think…You should make journalism your minor, then continue with your pre-law or change to history or political science or economics or something else that you can bring to the table.  Any dumb ass can read the news.  You’re smarter than that.  And get involved with campus news in some way.  That’s valuable experience.”  She smiled at him.  “You know what, sometime when all the planets align, you need to come out with Luke and me, give it a try.”

“I don’t know, maybe I wouldn’t be any good at it,” he said, blushing again.

“Are you kidding me?  Look at this mug,” she said, patting his cheek affectionately.  “All the girls will lose their mother-loving minds!”

“Aw, Aunt Sissy,” he laughed.  He hugged her clumsily and went to find his friends.

Bella smile as she watched him go.  He’s such a good kid, she thought.  A server walked by and she snagged another glass of wine.  Last one, she warned herself.  She began to make her way around the gathering, accepting kind words from the guests.  She was aware of more than one disapproving look at her dress from the matrons in attendance, and more than one leer from the husbands of said matrons.   She began to feel the need to get away.

It seemed ironic to go inside to get fresh air, but that’s what she did.  Beyond the kitchen, which was a beehive of activity, the house was quiet and she made her way to Tre’s study with its dark paneled walls and oxblood red leather chesterfield sofas.  She stood at the window sipping her wine and watching the scene outside.

“Well, pretty lady, I wondered where you’d gone.”

Bella whirled around to see Mitchell, he of the wake last night.  “You startled me,” she said.

“Oops,” he smiled.  “Didn’t mean to do that.”  He had an odd look on his face and Bella didn’t like the feeling in the pit of her stomach.

“I just needed to get away from the crowd for a minute.  I think I’ll go back now,” she said evenly.

“What’s your hurry?” he asked, eyes on her breasts.  “I was hoping we could talk about old times.”  He put down his glass and crossed the room toward her, blocking her from moving away from the window.

“Have you been drinking a lot, Mitchell, because you’re making me uncomfortable,” she told him.

He laughed darkly.  “Oh, no, I want to make you very comfortable.”  He reached out to stroke her arm, putting his other arm around her waist.  “You’ve just been through a difficult time and I want to comfort you,” he whispered.  She could smell the bourbon on his breath.

“Okay, Mitchell, I’ve really got to go now,” she said, trying to move past him.

With his hand on the small of her back, he pulled her closer and he moved the other hand, reaching inside her dress and fondling her breast.

Without thinking, she slapped his face hard.  “Let. Me. The fuck. Go!” she hissed at him.

“Baby, the fuck is just what I have in mind, and you are turning me on!” he growled, leaning in to kiss her.

“Will not happen!” she answered, and she brought up her knee as hard as she could into his groin.  Mitchell went down like a sack of hammers.  Bella stepped over him and left the room hastily.

In the hallway she met Tre.  “Sissy, we were looking for you,” he said.  “Are you alright?”

“I just needed some air,” she answered sharply.

“Are you ready to go to the airport?” he asked.

“Hell, yes, I’m ready,” she said.  “By the way, your friend Mitchell just groped me.  I knocked his balls up into his sinus cavity.  I hope he hurts for a long time.”

Tre shook his head and sighed.  “Always an adventure, Sissy.  Let me go throw out the son of a bitch, then we’ll go, okay?”

Luke & Bella new cover 1

LUKE & BELLA, the first book in the Dream Dominant Collection,
is available at this universal link:

Watch the official book trailer:

Don’t You Just Love Sexy Alphas?

The Dream Dominant Collection new covers 1

I love stories about strong, sexy Alpha males.  There are lots of books out there, with billionaire Doms who require of their submissives strict adherence to their rules and demands.  Those are great stories.

But when I started writing the Dream Dominant books, I wanted to do something a little different.  I wanted to write about real people living out their Dom/sub lives in the real world, characters I hope readers can relate to.  Like I stated in the Preface to FOR SPARROW,

The reality is that many regular couples, all around us, quietly live a Dom/sub dynamic every day.  While sexual kink is an essential part of BDSM, there’s so much more to it than that.  Beyond kinky sex, it’s a deeply intimate dance between two people who have embraced their true natures.  At the very foundation, a Dominant craves to lead, and a submissive craves to follow.

Every D/s couple lives out this journey in their own way, but there are some commonalities.  The sub is a strong person who willingly relinquishes control to someone stronger, his or her Dom.  Together they work out to what extent this power exchange goes, whether it’s only in the bedroom, or it’s a 24/7 arrangement, or somewhere in between.

Often, there are rituals established by the Dominant, chores or assignments for which the submissive is responsible, all of which are intended to benefit the submissive.  Knee time would be one example, a regular time when the sub kneels at the feet of her Dom and releases all the concerns of the day.  It’s comparable to meditation, but in this instance, it’s a time of intimacy and bonding for the couple that has nothing to do with sex.  Unless it ends in a blow job.  But I digress.

The intimacy found at the heart of a D/s relationship is the stuff of pure romance.  And that is where I think the truly great stories are.

So far, there are three novels in the collection.  The stories are stand-alone, meaning they’re unrelated and can be read in any order.

Meet the Dream Dominants.




In LUKE & BELLA, photojournalist Luke McGillicutty fell in love so quickly with Bella Grant, his partner on the road, that he didn’t have time to mention the fact that he’s Dominant. If he tells her now, he could lose her forever.

NEW Lost & Bound



Rugged mountain man Blake Walker, from LOST & BOUND, isn’t impressed with the bratty Hollywood actress staying at his family’s remote wilderness lodge. But could Shasta Pyke be the baby girl this Daddy Dom’s been looking for?




In FOR SPARROW, sexy firefighter paramedic Judd Farris promised to look out for new widow Jessi Crenshaw. Being a surrogate Dominant until she finds one of her own is an odd arrangement. It’s strictly platonic. But how long can they deny the attraction they both feel?



While the series currently includes three books, more are on the way, including a spin-off from LOST & BOUND featuring the characters Scott and Jackie.  And I’m planning a spin-off from FOR SPARROW featuring sexy Dom, Master Mateo.  But I still intend for the stories to be stand-alone.  You won’t have to have read the others to enjoy them.  But if you have, it will be fun to get to know these characters better.

You can find the Dream Dominant Collection novels,
all of which are available in paperback as well as ebooks,
at your favorite online bookseller.


The Dream Dominant Collection new covers 2

Weekend Excerpt–LUKE & BELLA


LUKE & BELLA is the story of two professional television journalists who are thrown together to produce a new travel program.

Bella, an experienced reporter and news anchor, is thrilled at the prospect of the job of a lifetime–traveling the world and creating great television.

Luke’s more jaded.  World-weary, he’s coaxed out of premature retirement by the promise of complete creative control over the project.  Well, shared control with the host of the show, a redhead with “nice gams,” according to his old friend and executive producer, Charlie.

Traveling to exciting cities, staying in luxurious hotels, it’s no wonder they fall in love.  But it all happened so fast.  Luke realizes he hasn’t been completely honest with Bella.  He’s Dominant.  And he thinks she’d be the perfect submissive.  If he tells her now, he could lose her forever.  Or, he could risk everything on the chance that they could have it all.

LUKE & BELLA, the first book in the Dream Dominant Collection, holds a special place in my heart–it was the first book I ever published.  When I had a cover done for my latest book, FOR SPARROW, Dream Dominant Book 3, I decided LUKE & BELLA needed a brand new cover, too.  Both were designed by the fabulous and talented Linzi Basset, a brilliant erotic romance writer.

So I’m celebrating the new cover with this excerpt from LUKE & BELLA.

Luke ordered a light dinner of tapas delivered to the suite along with a bottle of local wine.  Bella wore a fluffy white bathrobe.  He’d put on faded jeans and a grey t-shirt.  She smiled lazily at him across the table, a woman sated.  He poured them both some wine and they nibbled on the baked feta and tomatoes, olives, and fresh fruits and breads.

Bella sighed and said, “I was thinking…”

“Uh-oh,” Luke laughed.

She gave him a wry smile.  “Seriously!  I was thinking about that really nice evening you planned for us in Edinburgh.”

“Yeah, you liked that, did you?” he asked, grinning.

“Um, yeah!  Wine, music, flowers, an amazing dinner, mind-blowing sex…what’s not to like?” she said.  “But, I was thinking that I should plan an evening.  You know, it’s my turn.”

“No, I don’t think that’s necessary,” he replied slowly.

“Not necessary?” she laughed.  “I’m not saying I feel obligated, just that I’d like to return the favor, so to speak.”

Luke waited a moment, considering his response.  The timing’s a little sooner than you planned, Cowboy, he thought.  Play it safe or risk losing her?  Decision made, he took the risk.  “The thing is, I’m not a fan of surprises.  I’m something of a…dominant…kind of guy.  I like making the plans,” he said evenly.

Bella looked at him, brow furrowed.  “You’re a ‘dominant kind of guy’?  As in, Dominant/submissive ‘dominant’?” she laughed lightly.

“Well, yes,” he said, looking at her directly.

Bella blinked.  “You’re kidding, right?” she asked incredulously.

Luke shook his head.  “No, not kidding.”

Her eyes went wide and her mouth hung open slightly.  “I don’t understand.  What does that mean that you do?”

He shrugged.  “Whatever makes me and my partner happy.  Blindfolds, restraints, spanking, safe words.  When we play a scene, she is mine, completely surrendered to me.  And I protect and care for her.”

When she didn’t reply, he continued, “It’s not a big deal.  I like to be in charge when it comes to romance, to sex.  I like to be the protector, to take care of my woman.  And,” he added softly, “if it doesn’t blow your mind too much, I think you are the perfect submissive.”

She shook her head slowly, eyes wide with disbelief.  “You are SO barking up the wrong tree.  I am anything but submissive.  I need to be in control.”

“I’ve noticed,” he said quietly.  “But you’re not good at it.  I said before that you try to control things by putting them into neat little categories, boxes.  When that doesn’t work, you shut down.  Imagine not having to control.  Not having to think or worry.  Just letting go and allowing someone else to be in control for a while.”

“I don’t even know what you’re talking about,” Bella whispered.  “You have lost your mind!”

“I understand your reservations.  Between your father and your ex, you’ve never had a man in your life that you could completely trust,” he said gently.

Bella felt as though she’d been gut-punched.  His words rang in her ears and she knew they were true.

“I am that man, Bella.  Do you trust me?  You can completely let go.  It will be the most freeing experience of your life,” he stated with quiet confidence, looking at her steadily, hoping to reassure her.

She shook her head again.  “I’m falling in…” it came out as a sob, “and now I realize I don’t even know you!”

She abruptly left the table and went into the bedroom, emerging a few minutes later completely dressed in jeans and a white tank top.  On her face was the hard, closed expression he’d seen that night in Amsterdam.  “I’m going out for a while,” she told him firmly.

“Bella, I wish you wouldn’t go alone.  It could be dangerous,” he worried.

She waved him off and walked out the door, closing it behind her.

“Shit!” Luke exhaled deeply, and he ran his fingers through his hair, wondering if he’d made a mistake, if he’d lost her.

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Not only does LUKE & BELLA have a beautiful new cover, I redid the interior as well, using one of the new themes on Draft2Digital, so it has a fresh new look inside, too.  Be sure and check it out.  New paperbacks will be available soon…

You can get your copy at books2read.com/LukeAndBella.

Weekend Excerpt–LOST & BOUND

Anniversary Sale2

This is it!  The final week of LUKE & BELLA’S Anniversary Celebration.  On July 1, it and LOST & BOUND return to their regular price of $2.99.  Be sure you take advantage of this special price.

This week’s excerpt is from LOST & BOUND, Dream Dominant Book 2.  When spoiled Hollywood starlet Shasta Pyke gets into trouble with the law, she’s sent to cool her heels for a few weeks in the wilderness of northern Ontario.  She never expected to be attracted to backwoods pilot Blake Walker.  Could he be the Daddy Dom who can tame her restless soul?

Here’s a sample…

By the time the kitchen timer went off, she’d finally stopped shaking.  Shasta pulled the chain, dislodging the rubber plug and the water began to drain from the tub.  She used the towel to dry herself and quickly slipped into the flannel shirt Blake had left for her.  It was miles too big and deliciously soft as she wrapped it around her bare flesh.  In the bathroom mirror, her eyes were haunted.  She had no idea of the time, and she was tired.  He’d told her to sit on the bed and wait for him.

Young Couple In Love On Black Background               Carefully, she picked up the oil lamp and carried it into the bedroom.  The full-sized bed was neatly made with a steel-grey duvet.  She’d half-expected a camouflage bedspread for the rugged mountain man.

The thought would have amused her if she hadn’t been so upset.  Blake was angry with her, really angry.  He’d called her Shasta, and that had broken her heart.  She’d thought that they had a special understanding between them, a budding friendship that was possibly romantic.  She loved that he called her Amy.  But she’d ruined that, like she ruined everything, it seemed.

She put the lamp on the bedside table and sank onto the edge of the bed.  Although she felt warm from the bath, her feet were cold, so she folded her legs under her to keep them warm.  She wondered where Blake had gone.

Outside, the storm continued to rage.  It was quieter here than in her cabin, but it made her uneasy nevertheless.  She wanted him back with her.  When he’d picked her up, held her against his chest, she’d felt the safety she’d sought.  She wanted to be in his arms until the storm passed.  It was the safest place she’d ever known.

The outside door opened and closed, and her heart jumped into her throat.  She heard him speak to the dog but she couldn’t make out his words.  Her eyes were glued to the closed bedroom door, and she watched as the knob turned.

Blake’s eyes went straight to her.  “Good.  Just like I asked.  Come with me.”

Shasta followed him into the living room where he stood leaning his right hip on the breakfast bar separating that room from the kitchen.  Not knowing what else to do, she simply stopped and anxiously twisted her hands in front of her.

When he didn’t say anything, she jumped in.  “I’m so sorry.  I didn’t mean to cause trouble, I was just so scared, and I don’t think I really even knew what I was doing, just…the next thing I knew, I was halfway across the lake.  I know it was stupid.  I’m so sorry, please don’t be mad at me.”

Blake sighed deeply, his mouth a hard line.  “What you did was beyond dangerous and irresponsible.  If anything had happened to you, Amy, I don’t know how I would be able to live with myself.”

Pleased that he’d returned to her real name, she took a step closer.  “I know.  And again, I’m so sorry.  Please forgive me.”

He stood straight and crossed his arms.  “I can forgive you.  The trouble is, you need discipline.  You’re out of control, and you need someone to help you rein yourself in.”

Shasta frowned, uncertain of what he meant.

“Tonight, you need to make a decision.  Option one, you can stay here.  Or option two, I’ll take you back to the island.”  At that moment, a deafening thunderclap rattled the cabin’s windows.

She furrowed her brow.  “Why would I want to go back there?”

“Because if you stay here, you go by my rules.  Without exception.”  He arched an eyebrow menacingly.

Chills ran up her arms.  His rules?  She thought of the way he’d taken over, putting her in the tub, his explicit instructions.

“Remember, there’s your other choice.  I grabbed a t-shirt and a pair of jeans from Jackie’s closet.  You can get dressed, and I’ll take you back.  I’ll see about fixing the window in the morning and we can go on our merry way.”

His expression was impassive, as if either option was fine by him.  Shasta fidgeted with the buttons on the flannel shirt.  “I want to stay.”  Her voice was barely above a whisper.

“You should know that if you stay, you will be receiving a spanking.”

Shasta’s eyes bugged out.  “What?”

“You’re out of control,” he repeated gently.  “You need discipline to help you remember that your safety always comes first.”

She turned from him, crossing to the window where she looked out over the lake.  A bolt of lightning illuminated the lake, revealing whitecaps as large as they’d been when she’d been out there, and the thunder crashed immediately afterward.

She knew the window over her bed was shattered, the wind and rain would be howling through the cabin.  There was no telling when the storm would let up.  Blake offered to take her back there, which would mean he’d have to risk himself, to the island and back.  No, that wouldn’t do.

Turning back to him, she answered softly.  “I’ll stay.”  She met his eyes briefly before moving her gaze to the floor.

There was a hint of a smile on his lips.  “Alright then,” he nodded.  “Choice made.  Now, before I was so rudely interrupted, I was reading.  I’m going back to my book.  You will kneel at my feet.  When I’m finished reading, I will spank you.  Then we will go to bed.”

Shasta nodded and wrapped her arms around her middle.  Blake went to the bedroom and returned carrying a steel-grey pillow from the bed.  “I’m feeling generous.  You can kneel on this.”  He handed the pillow to Shasta and sank into the leather chair, propping his feet on the ottoman.

She stood for a moment before placing the pillow at the foot of the chair and lowering her knees onto it.  Blake opened his book and the room was silent except for the storm outside.  Shasta anxiously rubbed her thighs with her palms, unsure of what she was expected to do.

A thought dawned on her.  He wants me to suck him off.  Reaching up, she unbuttoned the top of his jeans with one hand, using the other to stroke his cock through the faded denim.

“Whoa,” Blake exclaimed, dropping the book and grasping her hands.  Gently, he pulled them away and held them both in his left hand as he lifted her chin with his right.  “Did you ask permission to touch my cock?”

Her eyes were wide and her face flushed bright red.  “I thought…”  She looked away from his eyes, “I thought that’s what you wanted me to do.  Give you a blowjob.”

He shook his head and spoke softly.  “No, kitten, you’re on your knees to think about what you did and why you won’t ever do it again.  I also want you to think about the spanking you’re going to get.”  He smiled kindly.  “You never need to wonder what I want from you.  I’ll always let you know.  Do you understand?”

When she looked back at him, tears were in her eyes.  “Yes…sir.”  Her voice was a whisper.

Blake’s jaw tightened.  “Sir will do.  For now.”   He stroked her hair fondly, then returned to his book.

You can get LOST & BOUND for just .99 through June 30.


LUKE & BELLA, Dream Dominant Book 1,  is .99 through June 30.

Weekend Excerpt–LUKE & BELLA Anniversary Sale

pic1LUKE & BELLA is the story of a pair of television journalists who are tasked with creating a new travel show, traveling the world and documenting the adventure they find.  I thought I’d share a few Fun Facts about the book.

  • LUKE & BELLA started as a private role-play on Twitter.
  • My partner lost interest after a while, and I decided to rewrite the role-play as narrative, which I put out on Tumblr, adding chapters beyond the original story.
  • When I reached around Chapter 67, I stopped writing for a period of time, finally picking up the story again and publishing it chapter by chapter here on WordPress, eventually finishing the whole thing.
  • In the story, Luke and Bella travel around the world to exciting cities, finding that the real stories don’t occur in the tourist areas.  Instead, they discover that the heart of a place is more often found two streets over.  I did a great deal of research into their destinations, having the pair stay in real hotels, eat in existing restaurants and bars.  You can find them online.
  • Originally, LUKE & BELLA wasn’t intended to be about BDSM.  It sort of evolved that way.

Here’s an all new excerpt from LUKE & BELLA.

After they said their good nights, Bella slept fitfully.  How long has it been since I’ve slept alone, she wondered.  She finally drifted off about half an hour before her alarm sounded and she found herself hitting the snooze button repeatedly.  Her ringing phone startled her awake.

“Hello?” she answered sleepily.

“Sissy, I’m downstairs.  Are you ready?” Tre asked.

“Holy shit!” she exclaimed.  “Give me ten minutes,” she shouted into the phone, disconnecting before he could reply.  She took the fastest shower of her life and threw on the first black dress she found in the closet, running down the stairs with her shoes in her hand.

Tre was waiting at the curb and she jumped into the giant SUV.  He stared at her for a moment, his expression incredulous.  “Is that what you’re wearing?” he finally said.

Bella looked down.  The dress was more low cut than she realized, and she tried to pull the v-neckline more closed.  “Oh, for God’s sake, we’re late!  I’ll find a pin or something, let’s go!”

Tre shook his head and they drove to the funeral home.  Once again the place was packed and they hurried to be seated in the family section reserved in the front of the room.  Cornelia glanced up as they were seated and she blanched, wide-eyed, when she saw Bella’s dress.  She quickly recovered her official mourning visage.  Bella shrugged.  I’m here, she thought.  What the hell else do you want?  Bitch.

She was glad to see that the casket was closed.  As the service began, there were hymns followed by a few friends and business associates who spoke, giving generic inspirational messages about the dearly departed.  Eventually Tre got up to give the official eulogy.  He was eloquent, heartfelt, and understated, all the things that Bubba always was.  People all around were dabbing at their eyes.

Bella felt something but she wasn’t sure what it was.  She should feel sad.  Her father was in that box.  She shook her head.  She wasn’t sorry that he was dead.  She wasn’t happy, either.  She really felt nothing at all.  That realization made her sad, and the tears finally came.

After the service, there was a procession to the cemetery.  They’ll lay him to rest next to Momma, she thought, as she rode in the limo with Tre, Cornelia, and T-Nathan.  No one said anything at all, but she could feel Cornelia’s disapproving glare.  Fuck it, Bella thought.

At the graveside, Bella stood next to Tre, wrapping her arm around his and holding on for dear life.  The service was interminable and she thought she couldn’t take much more.  Words like ‘family man’ and ‘loving husband and father’ swirled around her head.  People have no idea, she thought.

When it was finally over, the limo took them back to the funeral home where they got into the SUV and drove back to the house.  Cornelia had, of course, hired caterers to provide for the guests who would be attending the after funeral soiree.  Such a bizarre ritual, Bella mused.  Still, it was 2:00 and there would be wine, and she was in need.

Her flight to Buenos Aires didn’t leave until 6:00.  Then…Luke.  She couldn’t wait to see him, to be in his arms.  How could you need someone so badly when you’d known him for such a short time?

Guests were already milling around on the huge wraparound porch, cocktails and hor d’oeuvres in hand.  Among the guests, Bella noticed Mitchell, the guy from the funeral home last night.  He was handsome enough, she supposed.  But there was something pathetic about him.  It dawned on her that she couldn’t think of anyone who was man enough to be her Dom besides Luke.  The thought made her smile.

As Tre and Cornelia moved through the crowd, they were greeted with heartfelt wishes of condolence.  Bella and T-Nathan stayed on the outskirts of the crowd and made their way to the backyard, where the main gathering was meant to be.  The sky was bright blue and crystal clear, the temperature perfect for being outdoors.  Bella took a glass of wine from a passing server and sipped slowly.

“Well, kiddo, we’ve almost made it,” she said, winking at T-Nathan.  “When do you go back to school?”

He smiled at her.  “Next week,” he answered.  He seemed like he wanted to say more, so she waited, using her best interviewer arched eyebrow to encourage him.  “Hey Aunt Sissy, can I talk to you about something?”

“Of course,” she said, smiling warmly.  “What’s your old aunt for anyway?  What’s up?”

“Well, you know how I’ve been studying pre-law?  I’ve been thinking about changing my major.”

“Oh?” she asked, then waited.

“Yeah, um,” he said, blushing, “I’m thinking about journalism.  I want to do what you do.”  He looked at her directly.  “So what do you think?”

She thought, Your mother’s going to have a cow, but she answered, “Are you sure that’s what you want to do, travel and interview and that kind of thing?”  He nodded eagerly.

“Well, since you asked what I think…You should make journalism your minor, then continue with your pre-law or change to history or political science or economics or something else that you can bring to the table.  Any dumb ass can read the news.  You’re smarter than that.  And get involved with campus news in some way.  That’s valuable experience.”  She smiled at him.  “You know what, sometime when all the planets align, you need to come out with Luke and me, give it a try.”

“I don’t know, maybe I wouldn’t be any good at it,” he said, blushing again.

“Are you kidding me?  Look at this mug,” she said, patting his cheek affectionately.  “All the girls will lose their mother-loving minds!”

“Aw, Aunt Sissy,” he laughed.  He hugged her clumsily and went to find his friends.

Bella smile as she watched him go.  He’s such a good kid, she thought.  A server walked by and she snagged another glass of wine.  Last one, she warned herself.  She began to make her way around the gathering, accepting kind words from the guests.  She was aware of more than one disapproving look at her dress from the matrons in attendance, and more than one leer from the husbands of said matrons.   She began to feel the need to get away.

It seemed ironic to go inside to get fresh air, but that’s what she did.  Beyond the kitchen, which was a beehive of activity, the house was quiet and she made her way to Tre’s study with its dark paneled walls and oxblood red leather chesterfield sofas.  She stood at the window sipping her wine and watching the scene outside.

“Well, pretty lady, I wondered where you’d gone.”

Bella whirled around to see Mitchell, he of the wake last night.  “You startled me,” she said.

“Oops,” he smiled.  “Didn’t mean to do that.”  He had an odd look on his face and Bella didn’t like the feeling in the pit of her stomach.

“I just needed to get away from the crowd for a minute.  I think I’ll go back now,” she said evenly.

“What’s your hurry?” he asked, eyes on her breasts.  “I was hoping we could talk about old times.”  He put down his glass and crossed the room toward her, blocking her from moving away from the window.

“Have you been drinking a lot, Mitchell, because you’re making me uncomfortable,” she told him.

He laughed darkly.  “Oh, no, I want to make you very comfortable.”  He reached out to stroke her arm, putting his other arm around her waist.  “You’ve just been through a difficult time and I want to comfort you,” he whispered.  She could smell the bourbon on his breath.

“Okay, Mitchell, I’ve really got to go now,” she said, trying to move past him.

With his hand on the small of her back, he pulled her closer and he moved the other hand, reaching inside her dress and fondling her breast.

Without thinking, she slapped his face hard.  “Let. Me. The fuck. Go!” she hissed at him.

“Baby, the fuck is just what I have in mind, and you are turning me on!” he growled, leaning in to kiss her.

“Will not happen!” she answered, and she brought up her knee as hard as she could into his groin.  Mitchell went down like a sack of hammers.  Bella stepped over him and left the room hastily.

In the hallway she met Tre.  “Sissy, we were looking for you,” he said.  “Are you alright?”

“I just needed some air,” she answered sharply.

“Are you ready to go to the airport?” he asked.

“Hell, yes, I’m ready,” she said.  “By the way, your friend Mitchell just groped me.  I knocked his balls up into his sinus cavity.  I hope he hurts for a long time.”

Tre shook his head and sighed.  “Always an adventure, Sissy.  Let me go throw out the son of a bitch, then we’ll go, okay?”

Throughout the month of June, I’m celebrating the 2nd anniversary of the publication of my first novel, LUKE & BELLA.  All month long, you can get both Dream Dominant books, LUKE & BELLA and LOST & BOUND, for just .99 each.



Weekend Excerpt–LOST & BOUND

All through the month of June, I’m celebrating the 2nd anniversary of the publication of LUKE & BELLA, Dream Dominant Book 1.  All month, both Dream Dominant novels, LUKE & BELLA and LOST & BOUND are on sale for just .99 each!

For this week’s excerpt, I’m giving you a teaser from LOST & BOUND.  But first, let me tell you a little about the story.

Blake Walker is no stranger to tragedy. Immediately following a horrific event years earlier, he was lost for a while until he embraced his Dominant nature and found his true calling. But things change and now he’s back where he started, helping to run his family’s secluded lake lodge.

When pampered Hollywood starlet Shasta Pyke gets into trouble with the law, she’s sent to the wilderness of northern Ontario to cool her heels for a few weeks. There she meets sexy bush pilot Blake, who is tasked with seeing to her needs as the sole guest at the lodge.

Initially, Blake isn’t impressed with the spoiled actress, but he’s happy that her visit allows for his sister Jackie and her kids to go on a much-needed vacation. Try as he might, he can’t figure out what the hell Shasta Pyke is doing so far out of her element.
Shasta’s attracted to Blake’s obvious good looks, but there’s more to him than that. He sees through her armor to the vulnerable little girl she hides from the world. The Daddy Dominant in him craves to shelter her, to make her his own.

Is there any way Shasta will agree to submit to Blake’s Dominance?

Lost & Bound is Book 2 of the Dream Dominant Collection, a series of stand-alone novels featuring sexy, Dominant men and the strong, red-haired submissives who find them irresistible. It is a contemporary erotic romance novel with a light BDSM theme, and features a DD/lg relationship. It is intended for mature audiences.

Sound interesting?  Read a snippet from LOST & BOUND.

When they entered the Blue Moon Café, every head turned.  Rather than taking his usual seat at the counter, Blake led Shasta to a window table in the corner.  He seated her opposite himself as he sat with his back to the wall.

A waitress in a blue uniform greeted them with menus and glasses of water, and left them to decide on their lunch order.  “What looks good to you?” Blake asked.  “You should know, they make killer milkshakes.”  He grinned at her.

“Milkshakes?” she laughed.  “I haven’t had a milkshake in…forever.  I’m always in training for one role or another.”

He arched an eyebrow.  “You aren’t in training now.  You want a milkshake, don’t you?  Aw, come on.”  His face was mischievous.

“I don’t know…”

“Mm-hmm, let’s see.  Vanilla?”  He laughed.  “No way, my kitten’s not vanilla.  How about mint chocolate chip?”

Shasta chewed her lower lip as she tried to suppress a smile.

“Ha, mint chocolate chip it is!”  Blake smiled happily.  “I’ll order for you, kitten.  I like to do that.  I’ll get to know your tastes and make the choices, but for now, help me out a little.”

She giggled.  “Well, I guess a milkshake really doesn’t go with a salad.”

“Nope, I’m pretty sure there’s some kind of provincial law against milkshakes and salads being paired up.  I’m thinking a nice burger with fries.  Or maybe onion rings?”

Shasta laughed again.  “You are so bad!”

His chuckle was dark.  “You have no idea.”

“I think I have some idea.”

He grinned at that, taking her hand and kissing it.  “You do have some idea.  But I’ll keep you guessing.”

A different waitress approached their table.  “Hi, Blake.  Why are you way over here today?”  It was Donna, the flirt who worked the counter.

“We’re having a nice quiet lunch today.  Donna, this is Amy.  Amy, meet Donna.”  Blake watched the waitress’s eyes narrow.

“It’s nice to meet you, Donna,” Shasta murmured.

Donna just stared at her.

“Okay, we know what we’d like,” Blake plunged ahead.  “The lady will take a burger, well done, with provolone cheese, a side of onion rings, and a mint chocolate chip milkshake.  Make my cheese cheddar, a side of fries, and a chocolate fudge shake.”

Donna’s eyes flitted from Shasta to Blake and back again.  Shasta narrowed her eyes and leaned forward on the table, frowning.  The waitress hesitated for a moment longer, then turned and rushed away from the table.

“Don’t try to stare me down, bitch, because I will win every time,” Shasta muttered.

“Hey!”  Blake’s voice was low but stern.

“You saw her.  I don’t put up with that.”  She sat back and crossed her arms in front of her.

“She’s just jealous.  Donna flirts with me when I come in here.  I’ve never brought a woman in here before.”  Blake leaned across the table.  “She couldn’t be my kitten.  She’s not nearly strong enough.”

Reluctantly, Shasta smiled.  “No?  She’s not strong enough?”  She chewed her bottom lip again.  “And you think I am?”

“I know you are.”

Shasta giggled happily.  When their food arrived a short time later, it was brought by a different waitress.  Shasta groaned when she took her first sip of milkshake.  “Oh, my god, this is amazing!”

“Who’s your Daddy?” Blake laughed.

Shasta laughed, too.  They enjoyed their food without conversation for a few minutes.

“I appreciate you being willing to do the blood tests.  It’s just not safe to forego those.”

“I understand.”

He looked down.  “I’ve been with my fair share of women.  I’m a member of a club in Toronto.  Getting tested on a regular basis is required.  You really never know who will be there.  It’s rare to play with the same submissive more than once.”

“Submissive?  It’s a BDSM club?”  Her eyes were wide.

Blake nodded.  “You can imagine how difficult it is to find play partners out here in the boondocks.  The club makes it easy—everybody is there for the same reason.”

“So you…slept with…a lot of different girls?”

“We played, kitten.  Kind of like what you and I did last night.”

Shasta absorbed this information.  “Before you, I was with three other guys ever.”  He was watching her intently so she continued.  “I was sixteen when I lost my virginity to Jamie Duncan.”

“The pop singer?”  He leaned forward on his elbows.

Shasta nodded miserably.  “That was such a stupid idea.  I thought I knew everything.  Then, I dated Chip Felder, the guy from that crime show?  We were together for a little over a year.”  She sighed.  “And then, of course, there was Jeremy.”

“Do you ever go out with regular guys?”  His eyes sparkled with curiosity.

“I don’t meet regular guys.”

“Lucky me.”

“You’re not regular.”  She looked at him meaningfully.

Blake looked down at the table and laughed.  “No, I suppose not.”

They finished their lunch and paid the tab, heading out into the bright sunlight.  Blake regarded her curiously.  “I want to take you one more place before we head home.”

Rather than heading to the car, he led her in the opposite direction to the door of Kink Ink.  “Are we getting a tattoo?” she wondered.

“Not today, but I’m not ruling it out for later.  I want you to meet someone.”  He held open the door for her.

The shop was empty when they walked in, bell over the door tinkling to announce their presence.  Shasta wandered over to study the tattoo samples on the wall, poring over the vast array of colors and shapes.  Blake settled, leaning against the glass case.  They heard a female voice from behind the black curtain separating the front space from the back.  “Coming!”

The curtain flipped open, and a disparate couple emerged, petite goth princess and mountainous First Nation god, both with jet black hair and covered with tattoos of all shapes, sizes, and colors.  “Blake!  You’re back so soon!” the woman cried.  “What’s…”  She stopped at the sight of Shasta.

Blake grinned.  “Eve, Sam,” he gestured toward Shasta, “I’d like you to meet Amy.  Amy, this is Eve and Sam.”

Shyly, Shasta made her way to Blake and grasped his hand.  “Hi, nice to meet you,” she smiled.

Both Eve and Sam blinked, unspeaking.  Finally, Sam found his voice.  “It’s nice to meet you, Amy,” he nodded.  “Welcome to the shop.”

She smiled demurely.  “Thank you.  It’s very nice.”

Eve was still blinking and shifting her gaze between Shasta and Blake.  Blake chuckled.  “We’d like to browse in back.”

“Uh, sure,” Eve finally said, “come on back.”

Blake winked at Shasta and, still holding her hand, followed Eve through the curtain toward the back of the shop.  Eve swung open the door and gestured like a gameshow model.  “Here you go, knock yourselves out.  Let me know if I can help you find something.”

“Thank you,” Shasta murmured.  Stepping into the room, she gazed around at the displays, eyes widening as understanding began to dawn on her.  “What is this place?”

Blake pulled her to himself, lightly kissing her temple.  “Eve and Sam run the tattoo shop but they also do kick-ass business online selling kink gear.  They keep a little of it back here for local customers.”

“You mean they know about you being a Dom and all?”

“Of course.  It’s no big deal to them.  Eve’s a Domme, too.  Sam is her sub.”

Shasta’s mouth dropped open.  “No!”

He had to laugh.  “Yes.  Although they have more of a ‘Master/slave’ kind of thing.”

“But he’s huge!  And she’s so tiny.  How does that work?”

“It’s not about size, kitten.  It’s about who you really are, in your soul.  As big as he is, Sam is a submissive soul.  Although, he’s a switch.  He can Dom when they play with a third.”

“A third,” she echoed softly.  She fixed him with a desperate look.  “Would we ever have a third?”

He shook his head.  “No, kitten, I’m pretty sure you’re all I can handle.”

“Well, good.  I wouldn’t want to share,” she said definitely, crossing her arms.

He pulled her to himself and kissed her tenderly.  “I would never share you, kitten.  Rest assured.”

He released her and watched as Shasta reached to touch a silver chain collar hanging on a hook.  She pivoted her face toward him.  “Is this where you got the pink cuffs?”

He nodded.  “Mm-hmm, and the mask and the paddle.  I thought maybe we could pick out another couple of things to take home with us today.”

A slow smile spread across Shasta’s face.  “Really?” she giggled.

“Really.  How about you look around and see what strikes your fancy?  I’m going to go talk to Eve and Sam for a few minutes.  When I come back, I want you to have something picked out.”

Shasta glanced around the room.  “Anything?”

“I want you to pick something you think will please me.”  He watched her thoughtfully.

“Something that will please you…”

“I’ll be back,” he said over his shoulder as he left to find his friends.

Sam and Eve were huddled over the glass counter in the front of the shop when Blake emerged through the black curtain.  “So what gives?” Eve demanded.  “That’s Shasta-fucking-Pyke!”

“Yeah, man, I’d know her anywhere.  Two Days Until Sunrise?  I saw that movie three times,” Sam added.

Blake shrugged uncomfortably.  “Her real name is Amy Malone.  And she’s staying at the lodge for a few weeks.”

“Which is why you’re closed, isn’t it?” Eve added.

He nodded.  “Which is why we’re closed.  It’s very hush-hush.  I know I can count on you to keep it quiet.”

“But why is she here?” Sam wondered.

“It has to do with some trouble back in California.  She’s just getting a little R&R.”

Eve laughed.  “And a little BDSM while she’s at it.”

Blake blushed slightly.  “That just…”  He trailed off, shaking his head.  “One minute she’s throwing rocks at me, the next thing I know, I’m kissing her.  She’s amazing, really, and a born baby girl submissive, there’s no doubt in my mind.”  He gazed out the window of the shop.  “It doesn’t feel casual to me.  I think I’m really falling for her.”

“Good for you, man.”  Sam clapped a giant hand on Blake’s shoulder.  “It’s about time you found the right one.”

“How about I go check in on your kitten?” Eve offered.

Here’s the book trailer for LOST & BOUND.

Hurry and get your copies of LOST & BOUND and LUKE & BELLA while they’re .99 each!


Weekend Excerpt–LUKE & BELLA Anniversary Celebration

luke-bella-updated-coverLUKE & BELLA was first published two years ago this week.  In celebration, this week’s excerpt is from that book, the first of the Dream Dominant Collection.  Wondering what it’s about?

Television journalist Bella Grant lands the job of a lifetime–travel the world and create a new television travel program.  She’s been paired up with co-producer and cameraman Luke McGillicutty, who’s been coaxed out of premature retirement with the promise of creative freedom and the chance to work with a gorgeous redhead.

Visiting exotic cities, staying in luxurious hotels…  Is it any wonder that the two fall in love?  But Luke hasn’t been completely honest with Bella.  He’s Dominant.  What’s more, he believes she’s the perfect submissive.

If he tells her the truth, he could lose her forever.  On the other hand, can he risk the chance that they could have it all?

Here’s a new excerpt from LUKE & BELLA.

They walked the two blocks to McTavish’s.  Holding open the door as he allowed Bella to precede him into the pub, Luke instinctively placed his hand on the small of her back and at once felt a charge of electricity.  He looked at her curiously, wondering if she felt it as well.

Bella appreciated Luke’s old-school manners.  Who says chivalry is dead? she asked herself, smiling.  She didn’t at all mind that he held the door for her as they entered the pub. It was funny, though.  As she passed him in the doorway, his hand grazed her back innocently enough, but she felt a shiver that went from her head to her toes.  Focus, girlfriend, on the task at hand.

Glancing around, she saw that the interior was all dark wood and looked like a classic pub.  Bella noted that the crowd seemed local.  They were headed toward the bar when they heard a roar.

“Luke mother-fucking McGillicutty!  You son of a bitch!”  Luke moved toward the source of the roar, a tall man with shaggy grey hair, warm brown eyes, and huge smile.  The two men embraced then stepped back to shake hands.

“How are you Nevin?” Luke laughed.

“I’m grand, Luke, very well,” said Nevin, but his eyes were on Bella.  “Terribly sorry for my foul language,” he apologized, bowing.  “Who is this lovely lady?”

Bella stepped forward, hand out and offering her best smile.  “Hello!  I’m Bella Grant.  I’ve heard so much about you.”

Nevin ignored her hand and instead wrapped her in a huge bear hug.

“Nevin, Bella.  Bella, Nevin,” Luke smirked.

“Bella, it’s lovely to meet you.  What in bloody hell are you doing with this loser arsehole?” he demanded.  “Come, sit, drink,” he said, leading them to the bar.

“Um, actually, we work together,” Bella replied, a bit overwhelmed for once in her life.  She observed, with a smile, that the foul language was back.

Luke noticed she did not dispute his status as a loser or an arsehole, but followed the two of them anyway.

“How do you and Luke know each other?” Bella asked.  Nevin launched into the story of how they met during a joint exercise back in their special ops days.

“Haven’t seen him since he was here covering that horrible explosion about five years ago,” Nevin finished solemnly.

Bella looked questioningly at Luke.  “Yeah, that time that whole block went up in a natural gas explosion,” he muttered.  “I was in London and they sent me here.”  He blinked his eyes trying to unsee what he’d seen.

“How is it we came to Edinburgh and you didn’t mention that?” Bella asked quietly.  Luke ignored the question.  She looked at him, wondering.

Nevin immediately moved behind the bar and asked what he could pour her.

“I wouldn’t mind a glass of white wine,” Bella replied.

“Aren’t you going to take my order?”  Luke asked.

“I know your poison,” Nevin laughed, and poured Luke a glass of Three Labels Scotch.

Pointing at the bottle, Luke told Bella, “This is it.  This is Nevin’s family label.”

“Really?” asked Bella.  “I’d try it, but I’d rather get my work done first.”

“So, Nevin, we’d like to shoot your place then have a chat with you.  Would that be okay?” Luke proposed.

“Of course, especially if that is the desire of the lovely Miss Bella,” charmed Nevin.

She giggled in spite of herself.  “Yes, please,” she answered.

“It’s settled then.  And McGillicutty, be sure to get my good side,” joked Nevin.

Bella set about ignoring Luke as he worked his camera and she engaged Nevin in conversation, which was very easy since clearly Nevin liked to talk.  They discussed the pub and the clientele.  Her first impression had been correct—most of the patrons were locals.  Nevin spoke lovingly about the pub and the business.  Bella asked Nevin to talk about how life in Edinburgh had changed over the years.

When he’d finished, she changed the subject.  “I’d love to visit the distillery.  Would that be possible?” she asked.

“Of course, we’d love to have you,” was Nevin’s warm reply.

Bella looked at Luke.  “I think we’ve got it,” she said.

“Yep, looks good,” Luke agreed.

“So is work done, then?  Let me give you the best table in the house and the serious drinking can commence,” said Nevin, grinning gleefully.  He led them to a high top table next to the back wall with a view of the entire pub.  Luke and Bella sat across from each other while Nevin disappeared.

“That was good,” Luke said.

She smiled at him.  “I think it went well, too.”

Nevin returned with a new bottle of Three Labels and three glasses.  He proceeded to pour them each a shot.  They all lifted their glasses and Nevin toasted, “To friends!”  They all tossed back the Scotch.

Bella coughed a little and the men laughed.

“That’ll put hair on your chest,” Nevin grinned.

Luke’s eyes immediately went to her cleavage which was fully on display in the deeply v-cut black sweater.  “Careful, Cowboy,” Luke whispered to himself.  Bella glanced at him, unsure she’d heard him clearly.

“Well, friends, I need to take care of my customers.  I’ll stop by later to see how you’re doing.”  They watched him move away greeting people like long lost family.

“He’s quite the force of nature, isn’t he?” Bella commented.

“Yeah, he’s good people,” Luke replied.  He poured himself a second shot and offered one to Bella, not expecting her to take it and surprised when she did.  He tossed his back and watched her do the same, without coughing this time.

“You didn’t tell me you’d worked here before.  I’m wondering why,” Bella said, looking at him intensely.

“It’s not a very good memory, actually.  Not one I like to discuss,” he replied, pouring for himself again. She still had him fixed with that fierce gaze and he realized she wasn’t going to let the matter drop.

Luke sighed.  “What do you want me to say, Bella?  I’ve seen a lot of shit in my time.  The explosion here?  It was bad.  Took them three days to put out the fire.  Debris was scattered for two miles in every direction.  They found charred body parts…” he trailed off.

“You still have nightmares.”  It was not a question.

He set his mouth in a grim line, finished with the topic.

“Well, we’re interviewing a survivor of that fire tomorrow at 10:30,” she countered, and poured herself another shot.

“That’s our appointment tomorrow?” he asked.

Bella nodded.  “Are you going to be alright with that?”

“Sure, no worries,” he replied, draining his shot.  She tossed back hers as well, looking him straight in the eye.  He watched her but didn’t say anything.  She had to be feeling that Scotch by now.

He poured again for himself and she pointed to her glass.   Somebody has a competitive streak, he thought.  He poured for her as well, but questioned the wisdom of doing so.

A server approached their table balancing a small tray carrying a single glass of white wine.  “This is for the lady from the gentleman at the bar,” she said.  Luke looked toward the bar and saw a short young man standing at the bar staring at Bella.

“Tell the gentleman the lady says No, thank you,” Luke growled, surprising Bella.

“Oy, pal, Nevin says the lady isn’t with anybody,” called the man at the bar.

“Clearly, she’s with me,” Luke countered, and started to get up.  Nevin rushed in to diffuse the situation, offering a free drink to the man at the bar and shooting an amused glance at Luke.

Draining her fourth shot, Bella commented, loudly, “Clearly, McDude isn’t paying attention.  We’re drinking Scotch over here.”  She dissolved into giggles.

“Alright, Princess.  Let’s get you back to the hotel,” said Luke, protectively.  He helped her to her feet and they moved toward the bar.  “See you tomorrow, Nevin.  Around 2:00?” Luke said.

“2:00 it is,” Nevin replied.  Bella waved goodbye and turned unsteadily toward the door.  Nevin winked at Luke and turned back to his customers.

Luke steadied Bella as they stepped out onto the sidewalk.  She waved him away.  “I’ve got this,” she said stubbornly.

“Okay, you’ve got this.  I’ll just help a little,” he smiled.  They made it back to the hotel and up to the suite.  He led her into the bedroom.

“Come on, Princess.  We’ll get you into bed.”  He sat her on the side of the bed and helped her off with her shoes.

“Arms up,” he said, and pulled the sweater off over her head.  She was wearing the same bra from earlier.  He felt part of him stiffen.

“Okay, now lie back,” he said gently, and slid off the gray skirt.  Her panties matched the bra.  Of course they do, he thought, mentally rolling his eyes.

Pulling up the covers he leaned down to kiss her gently on the forehead.  “Good night, Princess,” he whispered.

“Luke,” she called quietly.

He bent over her.  “What?”

She leaned up and pressed her lips to his, kissing him hungrily, probing his mouth with her tongue.  Abandoning his resolve, he kissed her back for a long moment before reluctantly pulling himself away.

Sighing deeply, he brought her a glass of water from the bathroom and placed it next to the bed.  “See you in the morning,” he whispered before retiring to the couch for the night.

To celebrate LUKE & BELLA’s second anniversary, both Dream Dominant books are available for just $.99 each for a limited time.  Hurry and get your copies now!

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Use these universal links:

LUKE & BELLA (Dream Dominant Book 1)

LOST & BOUND (Dream Dominant Book 2)

Weekend Excerpt–LUKE & BELLA

LUKE & BELLA begins with a pair of journalists being presented with the job of a lifetime–traveling the world and producing a new television travel show.

Bella is a smart, sassy redheaded television host with a passion for adventure.  Luke is more jaded, having spent years covering war and mayhem as a news photographer.  He left television behind to spend his days living on a rented boat in Florida.  The promise of producing his own show is intriguing enough to coax him out of retirement.  The fact that he’s paired with a sexy redhead is an added bonus.

Throughout the story, Luke & Bella visit cities like Edinburgh, Amsterdam, Mykonos, Mumbai, Buenos Ares, and many other romantic places.  As I wrote the book, I did a great deal of research into every destination.  And when possible, the hotels and restaurants the couple visits are actual places.

Above are photos of some of the settings for scenes in LUKE & BELLA.  I also included the photo that was my inspiration for Bella’s huge suitcase, the one she affectionately calls her “big-ass Louis,” which was a gift from her grandfather.

Here’s a scene from LUKE & BELLA.

It was 8:00 am local time when they landed in Edinburgh.  They moved quickly through customs and headed down to Baggage Claim.  A short man in a driver’s uniform held a sign lettered “McGillicutty.”  Luke strode up to him, right hand out.  “I’m Luke McGillicutty.”

“Yes, sir, my name is Stewart.  I’m here to take you to the Balmoral,” the driver replied.  “Shall we collect your bags?”

Luke lifted his battered duffels.  “These are my bags, but I believe the lady has a cargo container or something.”

Bella smirked at him.  “Ha-ha!  Maybe you could make yourself useful and get some footage.”  She wandered in the direction of the baggage carousel and Stewart followed, cart in tow.

Good idea, Luke thought to himself.  Since the moment he’d first seen her in the airport lounge, he’d been itching to see her through his lens.  Life itself was all too often neither contained nor controlled.  Things in his camera lens were precisely contained and exactly controlled, separated into manageable segments.    It was how he preferred to see the entire world, really, although he didn’t want to analyze that too deeply.   He felt that images in his camera lens appeared in their true form.  And he wanted to see Bella.

As she stood near the carousel chatting with the driver, Luke zoomed in on her.  A good photog always zooms completely in on his subject, focuses, and then slowly backs off.  Only he didn’t back off.  He started at her feet, clad in jeweled leather thong sandals.  And fuchsia nail polish.  He moved up to her ankle peeking out from under the long grey (or was it silver?) lace skirt she was wearing.  Since when was an ankle so sexy?

Traveling up he paused as she leaned over to retrieve a cosmetic case.  The skirt hung from her curved form in just the right way.  The bottom of a white tank top covered the top of the skirt before disappearing under the short denim jacket she was wearing over it.  Again, all curves.  Now Bella had turned toward him, her attention on the driver who was still waiting for her luggage.  From this angle he trailed up her body, watching her take off the jacket and fold it over her arm.  Full, perfect breasts filled out the tank top and for the first time he noticed a sprinkling of light freckles that trailed off into her cleavage.

Unconsciously, Bella reached up to tuck some stray red curls behind her ear.  That face.  And that amazing hair.  God, she was beautiful.  “Careful, Cowboy,” he whispered to himself.

He hurried to get some video they could actually use and tried not to dwell on what Bella might think if she saw what he’d just shot.

She flashed him a triumphant smile as she and Stewart returned to him, her things loaded onto the cart, including what could only be the fabled “big-ass Louis.”

“Geez, is that all?” Luke quipped.  “Aren’t you afraid you might not have everything you need?”

“McGillicutty, you and your ghetto bags are just jealous!” Bella returned, and she led them all out into the Edinburgh morning.

LUKE & BELLA is available at this link:



