Interview With Author Lilah E. Noir

Erotic romance author Lilah E. Noir’s new novel, Unorthodox Therapy, launches TODAY, June 30, 2016.  Not long ago, I posted about this highly anticipated addition to her bibliography.  I was lucky enough to snag an interview when she graciously agreed to answer Pandora’s Dirty Dozen.


1. Describe your books and your writing style.

I write hardcore yet always sensual and character driven erotica, with BDSM elements. By that moment I have written shorter stories and novellas whose main focus was on the freedom submission can bring to a person. I am about to release my first full-length novel, Unorthodox Therapy, which revolves around the submission of a woman in a position of power and switches the traditional boss/employee – Dom/sub couple. It’s a love story at its core but far from the classic romance. Unorthodox Therapy is part 1 of a trilogy that would further explore the nature of addiction, power play and love. I’d say that I try to write stories with strong plots, well-developed characters and intense pace. The steamy, detailed scenes of passion, pain and abandonment are just one of the ingredients.

2. Talk about your process. Where do you write? When do you write? Are you linear or do you write scenes and put them together later? Who are your muses and where do you get your best ideas?

I usually write at home, either before or after my day job. I often enjoy bringing my laptop to a local cafe with WiFi, it creates me some illusion of social life. When I am focused on a project and finishing the rough draft within a certain timeframe I tend to use every free minute for writing. At that period I try to whip at least 2,500 words per day. I’m a plotter so in order to make a project successful, even my short stories, I need some outline that serves me as a rough map. Usually I start with as detailed description of each chapter, profiles for my characters and whatever research I need to do. After all that is taken care of I may go in a full-on writing mode. I am also linear when it comes to that plan. I always read the previous chapter before continuing to the next point so I’d avoid any inconsistencies and contradictions. However, I am not too religious about the plan and make deviations from it if they would serve the plot better. My novel was supposed to have a completely different ending… but the characters got their way and now I have to write a trilogy. Most of my ideas come from different fantasies that I gradually shape into stories. My muses are usually people I know, either online or in real life. I tend to “steal” some personality traits and give them to my fictional characters. It makes them a bit more easy to relate that way.

3. Tell us about your latest release.

As I mentioned above, my upcoming novel Unorthodox Therapy makes its debut on June 30th. It is part 1 of a trilogy focusing on the complicated relationship between a powerful older woman, an IT entreprenuer, and her younger employee who is determined to help her get rid of her smoking problem. There is a lot of kink, emotional highs and lows, romance, suspense, unexpected twists and turns, pleasure, pain, love. It’s really difficult to classify it under one genre. You can all find out why most of the readers who helped me with beta and advanced reading compared it to an emotional roller coaster.

4. What is your current project?

I’ll be working on my Strangers in the Night serial, short stories about two people who have only the time until sunrise to explore all their kinky fantasies. It doesn’t have a romantic focus but probably there will be a pinch of romance in an unexpected way right at the end. At the end of August when the summer heat isn’t choking my poor brain cells I’ll finally start writing Unorthodox Chemistry, Part 2 of the Unorthodox trilogy. Though in July I may write something short, light-hearted and kinky, a novella.

5. Now about you… Very generally speaking, where do you call home?

I’m a drifter by heart so I can’t say for sure I have found the place to call home. I changed my address so many times over the last ten years that sometimes it gets confusing. So let’s say home is the place where I’d feel safe and inspired.

6. As a reader… What genre do you most often read? What is your all-time favorite book, and why?

I’m a book whore so I read absolutely everything I can get my hands on, without limitations and genre restrictions. Lately I’ve been reading mostly erotic romance and BDSM books by fellow authors but I try to vary my menu with sci-fi, horror, historical novels, hard boiled fiction, classic literature. My mind always goes blank when I get asked of favorite something of all times. Perhaps because I’ve read and have been influenced by so many authors it is really difficult to point one. But the first two who come to my mind are On The Road by Jack Kerouac and White Oleander by Janeth Fitch. The first one I choose because of the fantastic sense of freedom and madness it was exuding. It infected me with its pure enjoyment of life. The second one I have re-read thousands of time and I love the beauty of the language and poetic style. And yet the book is definitely not a sugar-coated, purple prose kind of story. It’s raw, honest, filled with beauty and ugliness, pain and redemption.

7. What do you like to do when you’re not writing or reading?

I enjoy swimming, working out, long walks and some mountain hiking, sipping cocktails and other alcohol on beaches. Lately I haven’t had that much time for my other life-long obsession, cinema, though I should catch up. You can also find me in front of my computer, working on some graphic or web design project. I love making book covers for myself and other authors. Lately I’ve also been doing a lot of promos and media kit materials.

8. We all have guilty pleasures. I enjoy boy bands. There, I said it. What is your guilty pleasure?

Nothing to be ashamed of, Pandora, I admit that boy bands have their charm. Shhh, don’t tell anyone but I enjoy cheesy romantic comedies, junk food and sugary pop music… Ops, too many sins? 🙂

9. What superpower would you choose, and why?

Telepathy, so I can get in people’s minds and steal their stories for my own personal pleasure or to transform them into exciting tales on paper/screen.

10. If you could live anywhere, you’d choose…

Spain, Italy, Norway, Sweden, Germany.

11. I wish _________________ would read my book.

One specific man I knew. Or maybe not.

12. In the airport, you overhear a heated argument between a husband and wife. You:

politely ignore it.
stop what you’re doing and watch with rapt attention.
mention it to airport personnel.

tuck it away for use in a future book.

 Many thanks to Lilah E. Noir for stopping by and for being such a good sport.
Don’t forget to get your copy of Unorthodox Therapy.  It’s available TODAY at this LINK.


Just One Night FREE Holiday Weekend

Gray Just One NightA few weeks ago, I released a naughty little summer novella called Just One Night.  At the time, I designed the cover which turned out less than stellar.

Over the weekend, the divine Eeva Lancaster at The Book Khaleesi designed this kick-ass new cover and I couldn’t be more thrilled.


Unless I was able to give away Just One Night for FREE.  Which is exactly what I’m doing from June 30-July 4.  Call it an Independence Day Celebration.  From Thursday through Monday, you can use this LINK to download your very own copy for FREE.

It’s the perfect beach read for the 4th of July.

JON July 4a NEW

DIY? Or DI-Right?

I have, on occasion, been told that I’m stubborn.  I don’t know what anyone’s talking about.  Just because I tend to try to do things my own way…  Anyhoo…

I recently published a naughty little summer novella called Just One Night.  It was new territory for me, the first time I ever tried to do a shorter story.  So since it was just a little shortie, I decided to make my own cover.  And I released it with that cover.

A couple of weeks have gone by and I know that it’s not a great cover.  No matter what I tried to tell myself.  But it’s just a little shortie, right?  The question becomes, do I want to put my best foot forward every time?  Do I want to put out something that is, truly, half-assed?  The answer is no, I don’t want to do that.

So today, the fabulous and talented Eeva Lancaster of The Book Khaleesi created a brand new cover for Just One Night.  You be the judge: DIY or DI-Right?

All of that to say, if you need a kick-ass book cover, or any other author support service, go to Eeva Lancaster at The Book Khaleesi.  Here’s the LINK.

The Book Khaleesi Helping authors publish high quality books - The Affordable Way:

Endless gratitude, Eeva!  I have learned my lesson.


Weekend Excerpt–Rannigan’s Redemption

ipadmini_707x1018Rannigan’s Redemption is a three-novel epic about the complicated relationship between hot-shot Manhattan attorney Michael Rannigan and fiery redheaded fellow lawyer Maggie Flynn.

This excerpt is from the first book, Resisting Risk.  Be forewarned…

Maggie has something of a potty mouth.

Maggie was happy to wake up in her own bed Monday morning.  She was also glad that Michael had insisted that she take the extra day.  Truthfully she was tired, and she was sick of having to cover up so carefully.  She studied her neck in the bathroom mirror.  The bruises had faded from deep purple to a pale yellow-green.  Another couple of turtleneck days should do it. 

Maggie cleaned her immaculate kitchen, reorganized her shoes, and paid a few bills, but when she looked at the clock, only forty-five minutes had passed.  She sighed and sank onto the couch, clicking on the television.  A flip through the channels revealed talk-fests and game shows.  I’m bored out of my mind.  Maybe I’ll just go in and check email and that kind of thing.  I probably won’t even see anyone. 

It was noon when Maggie exited the elevator on the 50th floor.  She’d dressed in a purple turtleneck and charcoal slacks, a scarf with a purple paisley design accenting her neck.  Karen wasn’t at her desk.  Probably at lunch, Maggie thought, and she went directly to her office.

Opening the door, she started to toss her bag on the desk when she realized someone was sitting there.  Her arm stopped mid-swing, her eyes wide, and she looked back at the door, frowning.  “May I help you?” she asked.

The guy was about her age with brown hair and eyes.  He looked startled.  “Um, no, thanks.  I’m okay for now.”

Maggie raised an eyebrow.  “You’re in my office.”

“Oh, you must be Maggie,” he said.  “Mr. Rannigan said you wouldn’t be in until tomorrow.”

“And yet, here I stand today,” Maggie replied in an irritated tone.  She turned and marched down the hall to Michael’s office.  At his closed door she hesitated.  He might be with a client, she considered.  Fuck that!  Some dude is in my office. 

She threw open the door with enough force to swing all the way open and it crashed into the wall behind it.

Michael, seated at his desk and concentrating on his computer, jumped.

“What the fuck, Michael?!” Maggie demanded.

“And it’s nice to see you, too, Mags,” he replied with a grin.  “Welcome back.  We didn’t expect to see you until tomorrow.”  He met her at the door and ushered her into the reception area.

“I can tell you didn’t expect me until tomorrow.  I didn’t expect some guy to be in my office today,” Maggie ranted.

Michael put up both hands in defense.  “Calm down, Mags, everything’s okay.”

Maggie shook her finger in his face.  “Don’t you tell me to motherfucking calm down!  If you were going to fire me…”

“Fire you?” he frowned.

“You could at least have done it on Wednesday instead of waiting until I come in and find my office occupied by some…”

Michael continued to guide her down the hall.  “That’s Josh, we just brought him up from downstairs,” he explained calmly.

“I don’t care where he came from, he can just take his skinny little ass right back…”


“Because as far as I know I still have a contract…”


“You can’t just push me out, I’ve worked way too hard…”

“Mary Margaret!  Stop talking,” Michael interrupted.  They’d stopped in front of the door to what used to be John Hemphill’s office.  He pushed it open.  “This is your new office.”

Maggie stopped mid-sentence.  She was looking into the most beautiful room she’d ever seen.  It was a confection of lavender and cream and eggplant.  On the far side of the room next to the floor to ceiling windows, there was a silver chandelier over a small ecru French desk.  On the desk was a white and purple orchid in a shallow lavender bowl.  Purple drapes and cream sheers framed the wall of glass.  Nearer the door there was a seating area with a cream sofa accented with lavender and purple pillows fronted by a glass coffee table.  On the other side of the room was a small glass conference table and four purple upholstered chairs.  The new pale hardwood floor was arranged in a herringbone pattern.

“It looks like an office in Paris,” Maggie breathed.  She crossed the room to examine a pair of large framed photographs.  Gasping, she looked back at Michael.

He smiled at her.  “Florence,” he said.  “This is why I wanted you to wait until tomorrow.  The furniture was delivered this morning.  We literally just got it finished.”

Maggie’s eyes were wide.  “I don’t understand,” she said.

“Let’s go to lunch.  We’ll talk about everything,” Michael said.

Rannigan’s Redemption 1: Resisting Risk is available at Amazon, iBooks, B&N, Kobo, & Smashwords.

Watch This Space–Lilah E. Noir’s Unorthodox Therapy

UnorthodoxTherapyI’m so excited to tell you about a hot new release coming out Thursday, June 30, from erotic romance author Lilah E. Noir.  One of my favorites, I wrote a little piece about her before when she released Stroker Ace.

This new book is called Unorthodox Therapy, and it’s a sexy erotic suspense thriller.  Here’s the blurb:

Lina Riley, an inspiring leader of her software development company, is a lady of many strengths and one weakness. A skillful business negotiator, she pays the price of her success with long working hours and a bad smoking habit. It is the one battle this powerful woman just cannot seem to win.

To the world, Thomas Jett seems like the poster boy for nice, respectable guys. A talented programmer and a well-liked colleague, Jett does a good job hiding his secret. Little does anyone know about his dark, lustful side and intense domination urges. Lina has been his weakness and obsession ever since he first stepped into her office for a job interview. He also may be the right man to help her be stronger.

Thomas offers Lina a way to get over her addiction… but she’ll have to fully submit to his authority. Could a woman like Lina surrender to her desires in the hands of a much younger man? Is she strong enough to give him her submission? Does Thomas have ulterior motives? How long can they stay on the edge before someone gets hurt?

How about an excerpt from Unorthodox Therapy?  Should we do a nice one or a naughty one?  Alrighty, then.  Naughty it is!

I felt like someone had lifted the burden of the entire week from my shoulders. My mind was overfilled with emotions raging from relief to lust. Shame had no chance to creep in, but how could I put it all into words when my own body still dominated me, demanding release from the fire of my lust?

I hadn’t realized my vision was blurred with tears until Thomas brushed his thumb below my eyelid and wiped them away. He stroked my cheek with a sympathetic expression and whispered,

“There’s no need to say anything, Lina. You’ll figure it out in the process. Just allow yourself to feel now.”

As if I had a choice. Feeling was all I could do. Every small brush over my skin triggered fire straight to my pussy; every whisper of his calm voice caressed my body like both feather and whip.

“Please, I…”

The switch flipped and Thomas’s personality shifted from kind to sadistic without warning. He tugged the leash and moved toward the staircase while I was still down on my knees.

“It’s time we went upstairs for our training session, pet.”

I tried to get to my feet but Thomas shook his head, tutted and put a hand on my shoulder. He pushed me back to a kneeling position and spoke with a wicked grin.

“No, Lina, I want you to get in the mindset of what it’s like to be a sub. Crawl for me, my pet and trust me to lead you.”

“This is demeaning.” I whimpered in weak protest.

He didn’t say a word and kept walking, tugging my leash carefully. I didn’t have much of a choice except to do as Thomas commanded. Crawling on the staircase after my self-proclaimed Master on a tight leash was one of the most surreal experiences I’d ever had. My pride wept at the debasement but the sensations were riveting. He was walking without any sign of hesitation in his steps, and every once in a while he muttered what a good pet I was. Those words made my long suffering body and mind feel elated, as if I were floating during the act of surrender.

The next day, my flesh would be sore and stretched but today I was getting further past my inhibitions than ever. I felt brave, adventurous and too aroused to analyze the situation. All I could think at the top of the staircase was how my nipples were as heavy and filled with blood as if he’d restrained them with clamps.

Thomas led me into the kitchen and let my leash drop to the floor as soon as we reached the big round table. The room was so different to the peaceful, sunlit place I remembered from our discussion last Saturday. He had turned the lights off and everything was clouded by the soft velvet embrace of twilight. The only sources of illumination were two tall candlesticks whose small flames cast shadows over my face.

I had been too shocked to notice any small details last week but at that moment, all my senses were heightened. The fragrance of aromatic wax, probably cinnamon, made me tingle with expectation of the surprises Thomas had prepared for me. I closed my eyes to let the anticipation fully sink in and take control of me. Thus, I failed to notice the other objects on the table and yelped in surprise at the familiar bite of the clamps on my already engorged nipples.

“I remember you loved them.” Thomas laughed at my panic and slapped my ass playfully when he’d finished adjusting the clamps on my breasts. “Up on your feet now, pet.” He handed me a hair tie once I opened my eyes. “For the next part, tie your hair as tightly as possible. It would be in the way for what I have in mind. Bend over the table. Place your hands palms down next to your head. Spread your legs as wide as you can. I need full access to your pussy.”

“How long do I have to wait?” I moaned while I was tying my hair in a messy bun with shaking hands. The pain in my heaving breasts was the final straw, pulling me into an almost hallucinating state of arousal. “Thomas… Sir… I can’t last. I need you so badly. I’m in so much pain. Please, spare me.”

“So do I, my pet.” He was hovering over me. He had taken off his pants and underwear and the tip of his throbbing cock nearly pressed against my ass cheek. Thomas was holding himself by the shaft and staring at me with intensity. “The week wasn’t easy for me either.”

My skin was burning brighter than the flames of the candles lighting up my exposed, dripping flesh. This time, he didn’t use any bondage on me save for the symbolic leash, but his steely willpower had me fully restrained. One look and an order with his calm voice and my body turned into a mess of pent-up lust.

A week of holding back added up as well.

“I’m scared,” I whispered, and in response, Thomas pressed my shoulder harder against the table.

“I know. Don’t move an inch. If you change your position even slightly, the next step would be to have you wear a chastity belt for the next week.” The firm dungeon dominant had returned. The seriousness of his threat took its toll on my feverish brain.

“Yes, Master. Just, please, hurry up. I’m dying,” I whispered in a small voice, without recognizing myself.

“You’re a good girl, Lina, but don’t try to dictate my pace.” Thomas leaned forward to nibble my earlobe. Then he stepped back and out of my sight. “Close your eyes.”

Mercy!  Is it hot in here, or is it just this excerpt?  Unorthodox Therapy comes out Thursday, June 30, but you can use THIS LINK to pre-order it now, just like I did.

About Lilah E. Noir:

Lilah E. Noir is an author of dark erotic novels and stories with elements of taboo, seduction and different aspects of the BDSM spectrum. Her tales are focused on the intricate relationships between people and their rough yet always sensual encounters.

Lilah is an author of Stroker Ace, a menage novella that has been nominated for a Best BDSM Book of 2015 at the Menage category.

Unorthodox Therapy is her debut full-length novel and a first part of a trilogy exploring the nature of addiction.

When she doesn’t write Lilah enjoys creating covers for herself and others.

Links for Lilah E. Noir:

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Websites –
Goodreads Author Page –

Goodreads Book Page –
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130 Authors of Erotic Fiction

Another great installment of Emmanuelle de Maupassant’s series on erotica writers.

Emmanuelle de Maupassant

Authors Erotic FictionWhen I put out a call to writers asking them to ‘share their secrets’, I could not have imagined that 130 authors would respond, giving their time generously, and answering my questions with such honestly.

Earlier this week, I launched the first two articles: ‘Men Writing Erotic Fiction and ‘Men Reading Erotic Fiction’.

I’ll be posting further results of the survey over coming weeks. The issues touched upon deserve further discussion; we hope that they inspire writers and readers alike.

Before entering into the meat of the survey, I believe introductions are in order. I’d like to share some insight into the background of members of our writing community, and to look at our writing intent. What has drawn us to write erotic fiction, and what keeps us here?

Myriad Faces, Myriad Pens

Writers of erotic fiction: Kinky? Sex-crazed?


The reality is that we hail…

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The Erotic Vein: the male pen

Fascinating article on writing erotica from the perspective of male authors of the genre.

Emmanuelle de Maupassant

Several months ago, I put out a call to writers (of both genders) asking them to ‘share their secrets’. Well over a hundred responded, including around forty men (some wishing to remain anonymous). My thanks are extended to all who have given their time generously, and who have written so honestly.

I’ll be posting the results of this ‘grand survey’ over coming weeks, launching with thoughts from male writers. The issues touched upon here deserve further discussion; we hope that they inspire writers and readers alike.

As ever, your comments are welcome.

Arousing Intellect and Flesh

Most readers currently associate the erotic genre with ‘steamy romance’ and, often falsely, assume it to be the province of women writers alone. In fact, several of the respondents to this survey are successful male writers of what is usually classed as ‘women’s spicy fiction’.

Meanwhile, there is a whole strata of erotic fiction…

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Think You Couldn’t Possibly Lose Your Amazon Publishing Account? Think Again.

It’s a scary world over at Amazon Almighty…

The Active Voice

There’s this indie author I know a little bit from the forum. Her name is Pauline Creeden, and she’s an ordinary midlister, like so many of us. I remember PMing her some time ago and gushing about how particularly beautiful one of her book covers is — the one for Chronicles of Steele: Raven.collection Here, I’ll include an image. Gorgeous, eh?

Anyway, today I tuned in to Kboards and noticed that Pauline had started a thread. It contained what’s surely the worst news possible for an indie author: Amazon had closed her publishing account. All her ebooks had been taken off sale. Permanently. Here’s the email she got from Amazon:

We are reaching out to you because we have detected that borrows for your books are originating from systematically generated accounts. While we support the legitimate efforts of our publishers to promote their books, attempting to manipulate…

View original post 1,085 more words

So Scandalous!

Black And White Photo Of Sexy Beautiful Couple

I’m so excited to announce the Scandalous Summer Reads Stuff Your eReader event!

TODAY ONLY, 30 of the hottest romance and erotica authors are teaming together to offer you their ebooks, many for only .99 and others for FREE!

AND, you can enter to WIN a $150 Amazon Gift Card.

How can you get in on all the excitement?  Just click on this link.

Resisting Risk Cover

Oh, and by the way, Resisting Redemption, the first book in the Rannigan’s Redemption trilogy, will be available all day for just .99.  You can find it on the Scandalous Summer Reads page.

So come on!  What are you waiting for?